23 research outputs found

    A Real-time Global Optimal Path Planning for mobile robot in Dynamic Environment Based on Artificial Immune Approach

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    This paper illustrates a method to finding a globaloptimal path in a dynamic environment of known obstacles foran Mobile Robot (MR) to following a moving target. Firstly, theenvironment is defined by using a practical and standard graphtheory. Then, a suboptimal path is obtained by using DijkstraAlgorithm (DA) that is a standard graph searching method. Theadvantages of using DA are; elimination the uncertainness ofheuristic algorithms and increasing the speed, precision andperformance of them. Finally, Continuous Clonal SelectionAlgorithm (CCSA) that is combined with Negative SelectionAlgorithm (NSA) is used to improve the suboptimal path andderive global optimal path. To show the effectiveness of themethod it is compared with some other methods in this area

    Effects of Injection of Carbon Nanotubes on EEG and Results of a Behavioral Test in Rats

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    We examined the biocompatibility of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) injected i.p. into rats (1 mg/kg body mass) by recording EEG from the frontal and occipital cortex and performing the water maze router test before and after such injection. For EEG, the energy and average power spectral density of wavelet coefficients in the β, α, and θ bands were considered the features. In the water maze router experiment, the distance, time, and speed of rats were investigated as behavioral factors. Comparison of EEG signals before and after injection showed that introduction of CNTs exerted no significant effect on electrophysiological brain indices. A comparison of behavioral factors before and after injection, however, showed that injections of CNTs increased the pacing distance and time to find the desired platform and decreased somewhat the speed in the water maze router experiment. A possible reason of this phenomenon is the possible influence of CNTs on ion fluxes in brain neurons.Ми досліджували біосумісність вуглецевих нанотрубок (ВНТ), ін’єкованих щурам (1 мг/кг маси тіла, внутрішньоочеревинно), відводячи ЕЕГ та застосовуючи поведінковий тест із водним лабіринтом перед такою ін’єкцією та після неї. Параметрами ЕЕГ вважали енергію та усереднені щільності спектральної потужності вейвлет-коефіцієнтів для бета-, тета- та альфа-ритмів. В експерименті з водним лабіринтом поведінковими факторами були відстань, час та швидкість руху щурів у пошуках цільової платформи. Порівняння сигналів ЕЕГ перед ін’єкцією ВНТ та після неї показало, що введення нанотрубок істотно не впливало на електрофізіологічні показники мозку. Порівняння ж поведінкових показників перед ін’єкцією та після неї, проте, засвідчило, що введення ВНТ викликало вірогідне збільшення шляху до платформи і тривалості її пошуків, а також деяке зменшення швидкості пересування у водному лабіринті. Можливою причиною такого феномену є вплив ВНТ на іонні токи в нейронах мозку

    MPTP-Treated Zebrafish Recapitulate ‘Late-Stage’ Parkinson’s-like Cognitive Decline

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    The zebrafish is a promising model species in biomedical research, including neurotoxicology and neuroactive drug screening. 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) evokes degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and is commonly used to model Parkinson’s disease (PD) in laboratory animals, including zebrafish. However, cognitive phenotypes in MPTP-evoked experimental PD models remain poorly understood. Here, we established an LD50 (292 mg/kg) for intraperitoneal MPTP administration in adult zebrafish, and report impaired spatial working memory (poorer spontaneous alternation in the Y-maze) in a PD model utilizing fish treated with 200 µg of this agent. In addition to conventional behavioral analyses, we also employed artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches to independently and without bias characterize MPTP effects on zebrafish behavior during the Y-maze test. These analyses yielded a distinct cluster for 200-µg MPTP (vs. other) groups, suggesting that high-dose MPTP produced distinct, computationally detectable patterns of zebrafish swimming. Collectively, these findings support MPTP treatment in adult zebrafish as a late-stage experimental PD model with overt cognitive phenotypes. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: The experiments were implemented using the equipment and unique scientific installation “Biological collection–Genetic biomodels of neuropsychiatric disorders” (No. 493387) of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Scientific Research Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine” theme no. AAAA-A21-121011990039-2 (2021–2025). The study partially used the facilities and equipment of the Resource Fund of Applied Genetics MIPT (support grant 075-15-2021-684)

    Blue team communication and reporting for enhancing situational awareness from white team perspective in cyber security exercises

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    Cyber security exercises allow individuals and organisations to train and test their skills in complex cyber attack situations. In order to effectively organise and conduct such exercise, the exercise control team must have accurate situational awareness of the exercise teams. In this paper, the communication patterns collected during a large-scale cyber exercise, and their possible use in improving Situational awareness of exercise control team were analysed. Communication patterns were analysed using graph visualisation and time-series based methods. In addition, suitability of a new reporting tool was analysed. The reporting tool was developed for improving situational awareness and exercise control flow. The tool was used for real-time reporting and communication in various exercise related tasks. Based on the results, it can be stated that the communication patterns can be effectively used to infer performance of exercise teams and improve situational awareness of exercise control team in a complex large-scale cyber security exercise. In addition, the developed model and state-of-the-art reporting tool enable real-time analysis for achieving a better situational awareness for the exercise control of the cyber security exercise